
  • Москва, Аэростатная улица, 14 к1
  • Кокошкино 1800 м
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In our club, every child has a unique opportunity to learn how to write original and high-quality presentation texts for any product. For example, you can take any homemade computer game and describe all its qualities so that everyone understands it. Children are taught to present and characterize the advantages, immerse themselves in the...

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In our club, every child has a unique opportunity to learn how to write original and high-quality presentation texts for any product. For example, you can take any homemade computer game and describe all its qualities so that everyone understands it. Children are taught to present and characterize the advantages, immerse themselves in the specifics, and “Lezhnina” does it in a playful way so that the child does not get bored for sure. This is how, for example, a description text may look like:

An educational and colorful game based on the innovations of artificial intelligence helps to improve skills and develops research properties. The game shows the sights in a convenient visual format, but these are not its only advantages:

- This app is completely free and does not take up much memory on the device;

- the game has a thematic focus, it does not deviate from the main idea and does not clog the air with unnecessary advertising;

- The game is safe for children and does not contain shocking materials;

- with the help of this game, the child will become comprehensively developed and will receive knowledge no worse than from an encyclopedia.

But it is also necessary to know about the disadvantages so that they do not become an unpleasant surprise later. The first disadvantage is an unfinished version of the game itself, which needs to be adjusted before it can be considered the final result. And the second disadvantage is based on the lack of complete game information about certain events in the game, but the developers are trying hard to make

the application really useful for both children and their parents.

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